Monday, November 18, 2013

Our First Litter of Rabbits

Yesterday, we got 8 new bunnies. They are from Buttercup, a New Zealand White/Californian mix, and Thumper, an American Chinchilla. We raise rabbits for the meat, but do offer the babies for sale first. Whatever is not sold by the time they are 12 weeks old, we will process. If you are interested in a kit, please contact me.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

No new chicks, but rabbits soon to come!

After much debate, I have decided that I am only going to order new chicks every other year. I may order some this fall so that they will be just starting to lay eggs in the spring, but then it will be every other year after that. I am however going to begin raising rabbits for meat. It is very similar to chicken meat. I am making preparations and will be breeding rabbits hopefully this summer. Have a great spring!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Selling all the ducks!

I have decided that I am going to start over with my ducks. I am not selling or using as many duck eggs as I planned. We recently ate duck meat for the first time and we loved it! So we want to keep really good meat ducks, such as Pekin or Rouen. See "Currently Available." I am trying to sell all of my ducks!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

All New Blog!

I did a complete redesign of this blog, as you can see. Since this is just a hobby for me and not a business, Woodland Blaze didn't make any sense and had nothing to do with chickens or ducks. So here we are, a whole new name and look that focuses on my chickens and ducks.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chicks are here!!

They just came in this morning! I have not inventoried the "production pack" batch yet to see how many of what breeds I got, but I saw some Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, and there are red chicks, but I don't know yet which are RIR or Red Sexlinks. I will have to take a closer look. The Cuckoo Marans didn't hatch out, so I got Buff Brahmas instead. I had one Americana (easter egger) that was DOA. I will update in a few days once everyone has recovered from the trip and has a good start and I have done a complete inventory. Check back soon!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chicks Ordered!

Chicks are due to arrive May 1st! I ordered 1 batch (25 chicks) of assorted layers. These could be any combination of Road Island Reds, Red Sexlinks, Barred Rocks, and Black Australorps. I did also order Americannas (Easter Eggers), Welsummers, and Cuckoo Marans. I ordered all females but they may include a few free males. Let me know if you are interested in some chicks. I am also attempting to hatch out some ducklings. If that is successful I should have ducklings in April or May. Email me if you are interested in any of the chicks that are coming.